Many times have I made a web-site only to realize that I've left that short period of enjoyment for that specific theme which I made the web-site to fit. So, I've figured out the solution, a web-site which comprise of themes for literally every single thing I like, each with a theme. That way if I'm not liking the theme of one I can always move onto another. Once I figure out how to organize and what themes to do first I'll make a simple guide for the web-site. Have fun! And once I'm done have fun venturing further!
First copies of the E-Zine: A Zine For Things I Like! Will be coming out sometime either in late February or Early to Mid March. Make sure to follow this Web-Site on Neocities to stay updated on E-Zine releases! Cover below:
*E-Zine is not actually 5 CENTS, text saying that added for flavor. The E-Zine is completely free for all to enjoy!
[!] NOTICE [!] Currently no links actually work. This website is very WIP
[!] **More Interests Should Be Expected